Archives for December 2015

Green Mini-Makeovers That Will Transform Your Space

Creating an eco-friendly lifestyle at home doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. Making just a few small household changes can make a big difference when it comes to your monthly energy bills and your household’s overall carbon footprint. Many effective options go a step further than simply offering eco-friendly performance by helping to make your time spent at home more enjoyable and comfortable overall. Modernize has put together a fabulous list of green mini-makeovers options that may be perfect for your place.

Eco-Friendly Lighting
A great way to make your home more eco-friendly is to implement some alternative lighting into your overall design. Both CFL and LED lights use much less power than halogen bulbs, and they work just as well for visual support no matter how dark it is inside, so start by replacing all the bulbs in your house including in the bathrooms, basement, and even the attic. You can also maximize your home’s sources of natural daylight without the need for expensive skylights by installing some solar tube lighting into key areas of your home, like the hallway. The installation process does not require any structural changes, and it can be completed in the course of just one afternoon.

Low-Flow Faucets
Replacing the faucets in your kitchen and bathrooms as well as your shower heads with low-flow options is an effective way to reduce your monthly energy and water bills while lessening the resource burden your household puts on the planet. You can install the low-flow hardware yourself and start saving money right away. Consider implementing simple water usage rules at home, like limiting shower times, to further limit your household’s water use on a daily basis.

Via Modernize

Vertical Garden
Creating a vertical garden on a wall in your kitchen or dining room will save you money on food, naturally filter your home’s air, and some depth as well as color to your overall design. Complete this project by installing floating shelves on the wall and then placing small pots of herbs, baby greens, tomatoes, and peppers on them. Surrounding a window with your wall garden is sure to provide you with excellent results, as the plants will get natural sunlight throughout the day without the need for any special treatment. You’ll just need to worry about periodic watering and harvesting food as it becomes ready to eat.

Recycled Furnishings
If you’re in need of new furnishings or décor, head to your local thrift stores and garage sales to find some treasures that speak to you and your style preferences. You can make your new scores look new again with a little sanding, paint, or material replacing while feeling good about keeping large items out of the landfill and putting new life into things that otherwise might not be appreciated during their lifetime. Think outside the box while shopping and you’ll find new life for everything from wicker baskets and bamboo benches to old wooden chests and vintage vases.

Via Home Remix

These mini-makeovers work great when combined with one another, but you’re sure to appreciate the benefits of implementing just one or two of the suggestions if that is all you have the time or inclination for.